Mar 23, 2008

Chicken Hekka and Razor Scoota

Beth has no job, or at least no consistent work, so to pass the time she blogs and cooks. My most recent adventure was cooking a traditional Hawaiian dish for Andy and his partner. The recipe called for rice noodles, which are a new cooking medium for me and I had a rather tough time getting the noodles to the right texture. After all that, I neglected to take a photo of the completed Chicken Hekka dish!

Appetizers and beer awaiting my man-guests' arrival. I felt very housewifelike, cooking dinner for my dude while he was at work, and having some chilled beer and soda ready for when he came home.

No photos of the food, but here's an unnecessary picture of me & Andy. Unfortunately I think I turned out better looking than dinner.

Later we went into Andy's office so they could finish some work and I could put together my portfolio. I got Andy a Razor Scooter for Christmas to help him get around the office quicker and thus meet his deadlines with lightning speed and flair.

I quite like the scooter, and am considering getting one for myself.

Andy is hard at work and needs peanut butter fuel to get him through the night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.