Mar 13, 2008

Heroes Season One

A few weeks ago Beth and I started watching season one of Heroes and now it's like crack. We can't pull away. Our whole lives evolves around one known truth, "Save the cheerleader, save the world." As soon as an episode ends we instantly look at each other and say, "should we watch another?" Because of this we've been flying through DVD's like nobody's business. Now we're getting near the end of the season and I'm beginning to worry what's going to happen, both in the show and in my life. First there's the obvious questions of what's going to happen for this thing to wrap up in some sort of way that makes sense and then the other is, when the hell are they going to pump out season two. It better be fast because we may not be able to stand the withdrawal pains.

Hiro after taking a poop in the future or something.

As for now we have a few episodes left and things are getting pretty juicy. It been a little frustrating thinking something is going to happen in the next episode (so we watch another) then it doesn't. This may be part of their scheme to keep people on the edge of their seats, but it's a let down sometimes. Partially because we guess wrong and partially because now we have to wait another episode to find out. In the end it's nothing to complain about because it's all good stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i dunno if you guys are netflix subscribers, but if you are, netflix lets you stream all of season 2 (pc!). and seem to have the first 5 episodes of season 2...

prepare to be let down and then blown away.